Ah! Marty….. had such a crush on him . That voice, tho! First time I met him was in the legendary #BettyWhelansBeautySalon, he came in for a massage as he had a big show that night. He was at the top of his game…..

I was in a lilac full leotard, legwarmers and yes a headband, with very fashionable blue mascara. I nearly smacked the girls out of the way as I bounced in, with my glittery hi shine @Pineapple Clothing

I was a human glow stick .

I remember whispering , to my friend Sally, wet wet wet ? And her replying with a giggly, yes! And then the man himself popped out from behind the salon curtain , stripped to the waist and with the sexiest , scottish bold accent, I have ever heard, “well now ladies , how can I help!” 🙂

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