In the 90s I was trying to break into Leisure Management in leisure centers. This was before I studied business but I had alot of experience, had delivered training courses and managed a Leisure Center in the Isle of Man. One guy over a period of time giving me a leg up so to speak, suggested if I wanted the big job, I was going for, that I needed to start sleeping with him. When I went to his bosses, ungeard of back then, they threw me out as a liar and made my life hell…. I lost my job a few months later, a job Id developed into something that made them quite a few quid….he tried to get his own back for exposing him and I had quite a hill to climb afterwards across the Industry . Anyway, I went to Turkey on a fitness holiday, with a client , as I had developed a personal training business and decided self employed, I could control. I was the first Irish PT. With multiple qualifications and a hi price tag. I got picked up to model in this Hotel and I decided to stay and do some work ,when they found out my background. They gave me a chance bigger than anyone else, as I had loads of ideas and we were on the cusp of stress management and other exciting platforms, regarding wellness. The Turks were doing amazing work in wellness and physio and I believed I could bring back what I implemented and do it on my own .. They gave me a team and off I went.. what an education they gave me.The Turks gave me my first real chance without a fight , when I naively asked why are they giving me this chance in a Muslim Country I was told anyone who has an idea and can back it up, gets a chance regardless of gender. They gave me my first fk you moment when I came home to every dickhead I met in the business and I went my own way, doing all the firsts in the business, I could manage …. when Irish mysoginistic dicks in the fitness game were waving their willies around. I was doing me….the point of this post is, fk them all, no matter what you’re doing and do you, if someone blocks you go around them and look back at them as they turn to salt, you are the main course. Stop moaning and complaining about discrimination in work, you’ve no idea.Don’t follow, or sit,LEAD

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