JULY 13 A Buck moon. It’s full, it’s strong and it’s having a powerful pull on everyone , but more on the sensitive than others.
It’s physical, use it to retrain your nervous system.
If you don’t believe in the Spiritual aspect, use the power of the pull to pray, make a mantra, or sound to clear the nervous system.
Say this prayer, or your own version, or chat, while sitting outside under the light of this moon .
A buck sheds its antlers and regrowth begins. It’s a good start for a fresh start.
Any feelings that come up, let them and let them move through you without analysing or holding on.
Your nervous system needs proof the trauma you have held on to, is being dumped so it can be clear on what is the new state, it needs to manage. While repeating your prayer or chat with yourself, or your God, rub the base of your head at the top of the spine, all the neck muscles. As you do it, stretch the eyes, by looking up, then down, right and left, corner to corner, circle left and right. When you finish, spend 21 rounds with your breath, notice it slowing down and how you feel. This will stimulate the lymph and the vagus nerve.Then tap your chest 21 times using knuckles and repeat. I’m good, I feel good, this is good, Thank you, thank you, thank you, I love you
#instamoon #nervoussystemregulation #vagusnerve #loveislove #loveyourselffirst #letitgo #buckmoon #Differentpathstothesameplace

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