Link is in the Yoga Med Highlights. Enjoy the journey folks! Hard and twee, as that sounds .every single person has a struggle or multiple. That’s not to make you feel like you have company in your madness,, only to remind you to work on the next move.
You don’t need to be a happy, clappy , hippy, yogi type, following a broken yogis concept of #TheJourney , use the knowledge of self, to be more self aware, not self conscious. Take what you need from it and grow.
This is simply about cleaning your room. Putting a bit of order, finding stuff you’d forgotten about and throwing out other things that no longer serve You.physical exercise that is not extreme and crazy in any form is a discipline required every day in everyones life. It can be yoga weights running walking sea swim , anything that you like and enjoy that connects not disconnect , you to self. 30 minutes every day to appreciate your self, allows you tidy your room and get on with your day. #cleartheclutter
When you drop the baggage, for whatever reason you create space. In that space is where the ideas live and growth occurs.
Part s of your mind already have the answer ..Try listening and taking your own advice don’t let fear , or lack hold you back #meditationinmotion #breathe #bdivine #bu #fallinlovewithyourself

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