Renounce the ego . Leave behind the need to always try to be cool , or down with the kids. The superficial nature of not being yourself ,alone with yourself and in love with your self.
People and things fill a hole, a hope, a dream, temporarily. Oxytocin and dopamine can make us feel a love and attachments to things , that are not real , as we derive pleasure and need more and more . Thats all….. they are a high to fill a need. You are already cool , you dont need to hammer it home, or force anyone or any group to accept you …. stop trying to fit in , or find your place, or authentic self.
You already fit in , in your uniqueness, you just dont see it.
You are a part of the puzzle of life , you are accepted and authentic. You are the only one who doesnt see it… the ones who do see you, love you ! the ones who don’t are on the same journey. Sometimes those people are both… #bdecent #bkind #nk #aponderance

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