vagus_nerveAnatomy of the off switch

What is the Vagus Nerve and its importance in health and healing

The Vagus Nerve is known as the wandering nerve . It is the 10th of 12 cranial nerves and is the longest . It innervates and controls more bodily functions than you can shake a hat at and is responsible for the relax response

  • Sensory: Innervates the skin of the external acoustic meatus and the internal surfaces of the laryngopharynx and larynx. Provides visceral sensation to the heart and abdominal viscera.
  • Special Sensory: Provides taste sensation to the epiglottis and root of the tongue.
  • Motor: Provides motor innervation to the majority of the muscles of the pharynx, soft palate and larynx.
  • Parasympathetic: Innervates the smooth muscle of the trachea, bronchi and gastro-intestinal tract and regulates heart rhythm.

Check out and download the for more on the functional anatomy of the vagus nerve and in general to learn more about the workings of the body

We will be adding snippets here and there to assist you in finding out more about this incredible Nerve. Covering its Anatomy, Physiology , Spiritual connections, as well as tips and tricks on how to stimulate it through very simple exercises for good Physical and Spiritual health.

Stay Tuned…..

A little playlist using different tones, solfeggios, binaurals , white noise, to stimulate The Vagus Nerve. You will feel some resonate and others not so much.

Take your time choosing the sounds as some may be better than others at different times and bodily states. I find that sometimes I like to have them on in the background, at a lowish level, enough to make me listen . Other times if I have a specific need I’ll put on earphones and use one or two sounds on loop, that I am in need of at that moment. Other times I’ll play it all and see what happens .

You will know ! So listen to yourself and accept the resonance that fits . You may feel odd sensations in the body, a little gas , nausea, maybe crackling in your ears , yawning, a bit sad ! Just sensations, go with them it’s the nerve being stimulated on a primal level and it is amazing.

When using sound therapy the brain is attempting to retrain the through resonance. More on this in another topic, on wave treatments coming soon . My clients are constantly amazed by the results’ either alone or in combination with other treatments and movement therapies.

When playing please use earphones when possible and keep the sound at a lower level, than usual so the brain works to adjust the sound and take effect. You shouldn’t strain but it shouldn’t be loud. Find a relaxing position and lets do this……

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