Why are we determined not to live the story we are in , and constantly strive for a story that is past, to feel the comfort of what we know no matter how badly that pattern resonates. We know how to do, how to react, from our experience and learnings, a reaction we repeat, over and over , with the same poor outcome and occasional win that leaves us still , lacking….

We react from this knowledge an experience that doesn’t serve us anymore, but keeps the hi octane switch on, flooding our nervous systems, destroying us from the inside out… We choose this rather than recognising it and changing the pattern .

Should we try something new ?!.. but what? How?

The less we live in the present , the moment, the more we revert to past patterns , thus killing the chance to advance and ascend…. be yourself , you weirdo, you’re perfect, let others do themselves, but know that self needs to grow and evolve, to learn to listen to assess.

Never be afraid to say your truth, but know it is just that, your truth… your perspective , your observation through the prism of your mind and what you have been shown

Find new ways to do things as old patterns emerge, it’s the Universes’ way of asking you, to try again….recognise it , stop acting out , reacting how you know and start thinking and standing still assessing then doing. You choose this out of love for yourself as the mirror reflects back to you, draw the blinds

It will pass , it will step aside, or dissolve and you will continue on your path calmly and with empathy . You will leave your mark, You will not lose who you think you are, but become the person you want everyone else to be…. and more effectively .

Maybe ! just maybe change a situation for the better in the process, by creating a new dynamic

You know the way , throw the map out the window and listen to your inner gps. Actions lead to outcomes and consequences, choose wisely. Educate don’t flagellate…

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